Magic Ware - Řešení na míru

Analytical part of a project

The analytical part (sometimes called the feasibility study) consists of determining the needs of a client and proposing how to satisfy those needs. The analytical stage results in the plan of work and the budget. The plan is based on introducing innovations while maintaining the continuity of successful procedures. We draw up the proposal from the modules and functions of the comprehensive solution, which we complement by further development. Above all, we look for ways to set up the system to ensure its functioning is most productive.

The analytical part involves:

  • A map of processes and user roles in the client's company's
  • A brief description of the client's existing processes and procedures
  • A proposal of a solution of procedures in our system
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the new solution
  • The need for adjustments, adaptations or new development
  • Risks and proposed prevention
  • Time scheduled
  • Budget, best phased into stages

The analytical document serves:

  • Clients, so they can orientate themselves in the whole extent and
            different areas of the solution
  • Clients as proof that we want to find an optimal solutions
  • Clients in specifying the schedule and budget
  • Suppliers, so that all employees participating in the project have the
            opportunity to acquain themselves with the context of what they are
  • Suppliers, by ensuring stabilisation of tasks and prices

Tailor-made development

The analysis includes a description of what we want to develop and what needs we want to satisfy for the client.
We always seek primarily a way of setting up a system so that the developer does not have to change or add functions unnecessarily. If it is not possible to satisfy a requirement in an elegant way, the analyst will describe the newly required behaviour of the system and the new user interface.

We always try to:

  • Know what the aim is and achieve it, satisfy a client's needs
  • Seek the most simple way of operating a system
  • Seek to provide a clear overview of what a system does at a given time and how everything works
  • Build functions and modules in a universal way, so they can be used in various ways
  • Set the know-how of a client apart from the functionality. Know-how is mostly mostly saved in various forms of settings and data, and as
              such are the protected property of the client

Main advantages of tailor-made solutions

We base ourselves on standard functions
In contrast to greenfield development, we build on robust time-tested foundations. A comprehensive solution covers 40-95% of needs, so that there is usually little need for costly development.
Splitting costs
Efforts to build a universally features a separate specific know-how in data content enables the development costs of a function shared between multiple users. The company MagicWare thus acts as an investor and can provide solutions even with demanding development at a fraction of the total cost price of development.
20 years of experience
The MagicWare company has been providing information systems for 22 years, and has been focussing on the travel industry for the last 10 years. Thanks to this, we can use long experience in our analyses, and open up new perspectives for our clients.
Inspiration across the travel market
Incoming processes can inspire outgoing processes. A client creating packages through his demands can inspire a client dealing with ad hoc capacities, and so on. We believe that a permanent supply of inspiration and adaptations from the many areas of the travel industry constitutes the right powerhouse

Why Magicware

We have experience, knowledge and success
We are enthusiastic about what we do
We are a Czech company which is active worldwide
We have a vision and we are prepared for the future
We are able to share out our costs thanks to the wide use of the system
We provide strong support throughout the application’s entire life cycle