The is>content editing system

The is>content editing system enables the effective compilation of web sites, information portals and e-shops focussing on services.

The system provides website designers with full freedom without the need of a programmer for their activities. The philosophy of the work done with the system is based on several fundamental exceptionalities, by means of which we can differentiate our product from the others in the market. The editing system is fully integrated with the is>tour solution and it is therefore suitable for web pages and portals concerned with tourism.

We supplement the travel agency’s regular website with a number of sections accessed by means of a password. Each group of visitors therefore has its own environment available with information and business processes tailored to their area of focus.

The regular structure of the parts of the website:

The public web presentation

Searching for and presenting the product. The reservation process, on-line payments. A description of the product including photo galleries, texts in various language versions and videos.

Product micro-pages

Pages which focus on a specific target group or product with their graphic and information content. They supplement the main public pages and enhance the SEO.

The section for commission sellers

A section accessed by means of a password which contains a self-operated reservation and sales process. There is a list of transactions and the option of administering them, the generation of fliers for shop windows, commission records and billing.

For clients with a user name and password

A section with password protected access for already existing or newly registered clients. A list of my journeys, check-in instructions and downloadable vouchers, tour ratings, participation in competitions and the collection of points. A self-operated reservation process with a discount for current clients. Other multimedia content as a bonus for long-term clients.

For partners at the destination, tour delegates

Lists of accommodated and travelling clients, reports and records of complaints, the supplementation of capacities and prices. The entry of reports and news from destinations

For affiliate partners

Records of the partner code, access and orders.

The advantages of our solutions

Prepared blocks

There are a number of prepared standard and tested blocks for tourism services which can be put together any way you want.

Support when searching for the product

The strong search core enables searches according to a large number of criteria and acquires search results in milliseconds.

Reservation support

Strong support for the reservation process for both tours with set dates and stays with an arbitrary start date. Support for demand and its subsequent processing.

Modern technology

The system architecture enables the individual parts to be independently replaced throughout the system’s service life. Thanks to this, the is>tour system can contain the latest technology and approaches.

The vision and concept

Thanks to its market position and knowledge of the environment at a large number of customers, MagicWare has been able to create a vision for the development of the technology and approaches and to prepare for them in advance.

Strong support

The strength of the solution does not only lie in the strength of the system, but also in the strength of the support. A strong helpdesk and implementation team is one of our strong points.

Why Magicware

We have experience, knowledge and success
We are enthusiastic about what we do
We are a Czech company which is active worldwide
We have a vision and we are prepared for the future
We are able to share out our costs thanks to the wide use of the system
We provide strong support throughout the application’s entire life cycle