Magic Ware - Kontakt


MagicWare, s.r.o.
TOKOVO Building
Jankovcova 1518/2
170 00 Prague 7, Holesovice


Tel: +420 222 260 999

Billing information

MagicWare, s.r.o.
Krohova 2212/75
160 00, Prague 6

IČ: 62576836
DIČ: CZ62576836
Bank: 274382835/0300

Why Magicware

We have experience, knowledge and success
We are enthusiastic about what we do
We are a Czech company which is active worldwide
We have a vision and we are prepared for the future
We are able to share out our costs thanks to the wide use of the system
We provide strong support throughout the application’s entire life cycle